Thursday, September 27, 2012

Camping Lake Placid

After our night of spoils in our lovely hotel room, we headed into down town Lake Placid to walk around and take in the sights. Our plan for the night was to camp out again, not too far from town. Turns out they are very very serious about bear precautions in the Lake Placid area, and even turn down most bear bins as "unusable", so we figured that since we were just spending the one night out there, we would stuff ourselves with a BIG late lunch and therefore only have to bring our clothes with us for the evening. No food, no bears. Problem solved. I think our minds were a little bigger than our stomachs though (a common problem for me) as we demolished a whole pizza and then felt immediately horrible afterward! Not the best idea I guess. But it beat cooking over a camp stove!

Later, Taylor did a great job of finding us a little site about 2 miles into a park, so we grabbed some stuff for the night and headed in! I should start by saying that this was definitely my favorite night of camping so far!! The hike to the campsite was beautiful (and even better, FLAT!) and we arrived to find an open lean-to shelter for the taking! So we threw our stuff in, got cozy in our little sleeping bags, and enjoyed some reading before getting an awesome nights' sleep. It actually started pouring pretty hard as well, but we couldn't have cared less as we were safe and warm in our little home.

We woke up to a beautiful blue sky, forced ourselves from our sleeping bags, and headed back to the car, which we spent ALL DAY in traveling to Ohio. We had a great plan of staying in a nice hostel for the night but arrived to a dark and empty place instead :( After way too much time in the car and the hours getting later and later, we made the hasty decision to just go for the cheapest local hotel we could find. BIG. MISTAKE. Let's just say that the Days Inn in wherever-we-are Ohio is to be avoided. Gross. If we survive the night without contracting anything than we will be sure to update soon on what is to come next!

 My bear stick...I'm not going down without a fight if a bear comes sniffing around my sleeping bag!

1 comment:

  1. Next time you come Dad will teach you how to eat a whole pizza and still feel good :) He does it just about every Friday night! It takes practice :)

    Loved the stick picture - Allison you look so fierce and determined!! I'm sure the bears in the area let it out to stay away from the woman with her stick :)

    Love you both!
    Dad & Mom Mots
