Monday, September 10, 2012

Bump in the Road No. 1

Well folks, it looks like we have our first bump in the road, and we haven't even left yet! It appears that the little Geo is now in need of a "Head Job", whatever that means (I don't speak car). When told that said job would cost us roughly $1300, what did my husband do but say to himself, "well I'LL just do it then!" And so he is taking on the, what I understand to be very time consuming, job on his own (thankfully with the help of some very wise mechanics whom we know and love). Wish us luck! We are hoping to still be able to leave for our adventure on September 19th and not have to trim off any stops along the way due to expenses. Sheesh...this road trip stuff is stressful!

In the mean time, enjoy this fun project that some fellow geo-owners took on to make their own travels a bit more comfortable in their little car. Cool, huh!?

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